Ed Sullivan

Student of the Week – Edward Sullivan

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Town you Live In: Nashua 01Cambridge street, Alston, MA 03DSC_0588

How long have you been dancing: 18 weeks 

How did you get into ballroom? I’ve always wanted to be that guy! You know, the one that could really dance a Waltz or Foxtrot at a wedding and everyone would just stand back and watch! 

Which dance do you enjoy the most? Waltz, it just feels so natural! The best coach out there tells me I’m built for it!

What is your favorite dance memory? In retrospect, my first dance competition. At first I wasn’t happy with my performance, however, after some contemplation it has really resonated with me.

What dance goal would you like to conquer next? Besides really nailing my timing? Tango! Gomez and Morticia did the best ever! 

What are your other hobbies? – Entomology (just kidding). Riding Hard & Far! I’m an Iron Butt Member (entry level ride, over 1,000 miles in under 24 hours). My personal record is just over 2,000 miles in 42.5 hours and yes that included 8 hours’ sleep in a hotel. 

Tell us something you think most people don’t know about you. Many, many years ago, I used to be a Magician, I perform anything from close up to platform stage shows. 04DSC_058902DSC_0587

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